Choosing the best way to forecast your pasture future

A resource published today will help South Australian livestock producers choose the best pasture forecasting tool for their circumstances.

The pasture forecasting tool fact sheet summarises the attributes and capabilities of each tool into a single, easy-to-use document.

It includes a comparison table that distils key information that can be viewed at a glance, such as data that can be inputted, data the tool delivers, applicable livestock categories, user platforms available and costs.

The fact sheet was developed by MacKillop Farm Management Group (MFMG), with the support of the South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub.

MFMG Chief Executive Officer Meg Bell said one of the benefits of the fact sheet is that it lays out the data that producers can input into each tool in simple language, as well as the data they will subsequently get out of it.

“Knowledge of current pasture production and the ability to accurately predict future production helps livestock producers with decision-making regarding pasture supply and feed budgeting,” she said.

“Given the range of freely and commercially available pasture forecasting tools suitable for use in South Australia, selecting the most suitable can be a challenging process.

“When comparing pasture forecasting tools, it’s important to understand what information a tool should be able to provide.

“Feedback from farmers has indicated that choosing the right tool for their farms can be confusing and complicated.

“This knowledge makes it easier to compare products or services and, we hope, will help producers make the best decision for their business.”

Project partners involved in developing the fact sheet include Ag Innovation and Research Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP), Limestone Coast Landscape Board, Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, AgCommunicators, and Pinion Advisory.

Download the Tools for Pasture Forecasting fact sheet.

To provide examples of other applications on the market, a supplementary fact sheet describes tools not currently available for producers in South Australia.

Download the supplementary fact sheet.

These resources are also available at www.mackillopgroup.com.au/blog/pasture-forecasting-tools/1845467.

The South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub is one of eight Hubs established across Australia through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. The SA Drought Hub brings together a dynamic network of primary producers, industry groups, researchers, government agencies, universities, agribusinesses, traditional owners and others to work towards a common vision to strengthen the drought resilience and preparedness of farms and regional communities in South Australia. This program received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

Media contact details

Adam Barclay, AgCommunicators, 0405 357 468 or adam.barclay@agcommunicators.com.

Meg Bell, MFMG, 0433 499 630 or ceo@mackillopgroup.com.au.

Photo: Meg Bell, MFMG

