Utilising satellite imagery in the growing season to inform adaptive management
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Utilising satellite imagery in the growing season to inform adaptive management
Lead organisation: Upper North Farming Systems (UNFS)
Hub members and partners involved: SARDI, Breezy Hill Precision Ag Services
Project Category: Hub Projects
Project summary: 

Improve understanding, knowledge and skills of farmers and advisors in the Upper North in utilising satellite imagery to inform growing-season decision-making in both cropping and grazing enterprises.

This project has delivered two workshops to advisors and producers, developed four case studies, and produced a fact sheet outlining effective use of readily available satellite imagery to inform decision-making in the growing season.

Project description: 

This project has delivered two workshops to advisors and producers, developed four case studies, and produced a fact sheet outlining effective use of readily available satellite imagery to inform decision-making in the growing season.

The project enabled Upper North growers and land managers to increase their understanding of the tools available for monitoring and measuring factors such as pasture quality and quantity, biomass, and feed quality in the paddock. It also helped them improve their adaptive management to climatic conditions.

Growers also enhanced their knowledge of how to use grazing periods, intensity and spelling to maximise biomass production and maintain soil cover at the end of the season.


Key achievements and results: 

Improved collaboration and communication among local advisors and growers

  • The sharing of technology, data and outputs by Upper North growers increased both awareness and the likelihood of adoption of satellite imagery. This was especially important as several growers were first-time users.

Representation across the entire Upper North farming region

  • The project ranged across the Upper North, covering Booleroo, Wepowie, Morchard, Jamestown and Caltowie. As each of these areas has different rainfall and soil zones, the technology can be adapted across the entire Upper North.

Knowledge adapted to seasonal priorities  

  • The project targeted grower priorities throughout the season, which helped keep participants engaged. For example, the nitrogen case study was very relevant in July; grazing and pastures were topical in spring.

Grower-targeted fact sheet with practical advice

  • The published fact sheet is appropriate for growers at all levels of knowledge, from first-time users to early adopters with substantial experience.

Further information:

Project Images