Determining return on investment of drought resilience measures to advance on-farm adoption Node: Roseworthy Lead Organisation: Barossa Improved Grazing Group READ MORE
Adapting to the challenges of the future climate to farming systems in marginal environments Node: Orroroo Lead Organisation: University of Adelaide READ MORE
Rangelands Mineral Testing Node: Orroroo, Port Augusta Lead Organisation: University of Adelaide READ MORE
Improving drought grazing management in the non-arable ranges of the Northern and Yorke region Node: Orroroo Lead Organisation: Northern and Yorke Landscape Board READ MORE
Containment feeding to boost business performance and resilience Node: Minnipa, Orroroo, Roseworthy, Struan Lead Organisation: University of Adelaide READ MORE
Tools for pasture forecasting Node: Struan Lead Organisation: MacKillop Farm Management Group READ MORE
Filling feed gaps: best practice hay and silage production Node: Struan Lead Organisation: MacKillop Farm Management Group READ MORE
Ground truthing satellite imagery for use in pasture management and assessing its role in adaptive management of grazing systems in the Upper North of SA Node: Orroroo Lead Organisation: Upper North Farming Systems Group READ MORE
Methane reduction in beef cattle in commercial production systems Node: Roseworthy Lead Organisation: University of Adelaide READ MORE