Water Security and Management
Water Security and Management
The resources on this page are of relevance to SA farmers and regional communities. They assist in decision making and potential practice change to build drought preparedness and resilience. Further information on water security and management is available through the SA Drought Hub team, including the Knowledge Broker and the Node Coordinators.
The Future Drought Fund’s My Climate View (formerly Climate Services for Agriculture)
The Future Drought Fund’s My Climate View (formerly Climate Services for Agriculture) tool provides users with location-specific information on seasonal and monthly rainfall outlooks, and medium and longer term climate projections for rainfall and temperature.
The tool can be accessed at: myclimateview.com.au
Water – SheepConnect SA
Water management resources from SheepConnect SA. Topics covered by fact sheets, case studies and webinars include:
- Water planning
- Water for livestock
- Catchments
- Water monitoring / telemetry
- Dams
Water management – Australian Wine Research Institute
Water management resources from the Australian Wine Research Institute including research papers, podcasts, fact sheets and online tools on various water topics including:
- Vineyard water use efficiency
- Water management planning
- Water budget
- Water quality
- Irrigation system design, installation, monitoring and maintenance
- Irrigation scheduling
- Storage dam design, installation, monitoring and maintenance
- Vineyard water use optimisation.
Water management – The Australian Wine Research Institute (awri.com.au)
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